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About the SYSTAC Europe Hub

Welcome to the European hub of SYSTAC, the Systems Thinking Accelerator, led by the University of Geneva and the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. SYSTAC is supported and funded by the WHO Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research.

Why systems thinking?

Systems thinking is a powerful approach and set of tools for improving health and well-being and strengthening health systems. However, the use of systems thinking remains limited in research, policy, and practice, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).

What is SYSTAC?

SYSTAC is a global community of practice for systems thinking researchers, policymakers, and implementers to engage, connect, and collaborate to improve health and well-being. It seeks to be a platform for systems thinking science and practice in health policy and systems research, a community to strengthen systems thinking capacity, and an amplifier to promote and advocate for applied systems thinking in implementation and policymaking in LMICs.


The European region of the global SYSTAC network seeks to be a hub for Europe-based systems thinkers who are working inside Europe or globally. The European hub is open to systems thinkers in research, policy, and practice. Our focal areas include:

  • Mainstreaming systems thinking beyond research
  • Dialogue with European policymakers
  • Cultivating systems thinkers
  • Amplifying applied systems thinking experiences and practices

The European hub aims to arrange regional activities that build capacity, support collaboration and practice, link members to resources and promote systems thinking for health. Our activities are member-driven: your suggestions and support are welcome!

You can also read more about SYSTAC globally on the WHO Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research platform.